
An extended abstract of 2-3 pages (incl. tables, figures, references, ...) should be submitted by 15 March 2010 via e-mail to the symposium secretary: geoenv10@ugent.be. In this email it should be indicated if you prefer an oral or poster presentation. The organizing committee will decide about the possibilities for an oral presentation. The abstracts should be sufficiently clear to facilitate selection by the Organizing Committee. Please use these instructions for the layout of your abstract.
The organizers will inform you before 15 May 2010 about the acceptance of the paper for the symposium. If accepted, it will be distributed at the conference in a book of abstracts with ISBN.

Full papers

Contributors will be invited to submit at the conference a full paper for publication in a special issue of the International Journal “Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment” (SERRA, WoS indexed). These papers will go through the regular peer review process of this journal.
Please prepare the full manuscirpt in Word according to the Springer instructions of SERRA, with a maximum manuscript length of 8 journal pages.



A PC is available in the lecture hall. We recommend that you bring a CD-ROM or a USB stick with your presentation.
Please read following recommendations for your presentation (Pdf-file - 64,6KB).


The poster session will be organized as follows: each poster author presents shortly his poster in front of a group of participants during 5' (including time for questions). In this way all posters will be visited by the participants. After the poster session, the decision on the best poster will be taken and a best GeoENV10 poster award will be handed out at the Conference Dinner.

The title of the poster should be exactly the same as the abstract in the programme, with authors and institutions, to allow easy identification of your poster. Title letters should be large enough to be read from approximately 6 meters away. Your poster should include an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and literature cited. Most data are best represented with figures rather than tables. Text should be easily readable from a distance of 1 meter away. We recommend that you use the following minimum font sizes: The poster should be printed in A0 size.
Remarks on the content: Patrick.Dossche@UGent.be.

8th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications

Ghent UniversityGhent University
Flyer geoEnv2010
Flyer GeoEnv10
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